Mobile gantry 5-axis CNC machining centre for drilling, milling and tapping, at any angle from -90° to +90°, on profiles and plates with a thickness up to 10 mm if made of aluminium, lightweight alloys and PVC and up to 2 mm if made of steel. The mobile part of the machine is composed of a dual drive gantry on a high precision rack. The local guarding cabin, made of technopolymer, has been designed to offer optimal functionality, accessibility, soundproofing and lighting while fulfilling safety and ergonomics requirements. Large glass windows allow the operator to monitor the machining operations being executed, as well as an easy access during cleaning and maintenance phases. The inside of the cabin ensures the conveying of swarf into the collection system available at the base. The 11 kW electrospindle allows performing machining operations, even heavy-duty ones, with optimal results in terms of speed and precision. The tool magazine integrated into the mobile gantry can house 10 tools; a second magazine features two special positions for a blade with a diameter of 400 mm and a second blade with a diameter of 180 mm. It features two different operating modes: the first, in single-area mode, allows machining entire bars having a maximum length of 7 or 9 m in a single work area; the second one, in tandem machining mode, allows machining several workpieces in the two different work areas. In the version with system for moving vices on H and P axes, it is possible to use the machine in dynamic tandem machining mode; this operating mode allows reducing machine downtimes to a minimum, since it allows the vices to be automatically set, in concurrent operation time, to the operation processes of the spindle in the opposite work area. TKE955 is equipped with a laser scanner allowing the most precise and advanced control of the machine front access, raising safety and operator/machine interface standards. In tandem machining mode, the laser scanner allows programming asymmetrical work areas on X axis so that workpieces having different sizes can be machined by making use of 4 different set-ups, in order to increase machine operation flexibility.
1F = 1 face machining 5F = 5 faces machining
asymmetrical double mode (b)
double mode
Ø 400 mm blade
machinable section (c)
(separation cuts from
rough bar included)
section (c)
Dimensions in mm (a) size clampable with vice without standard end pieces (b) double operation mode on two different working areas controlled by laser scanner (c) requires counterblock kit for machining facade aluminium profiles (d) the application of counterblocks for facade profiles reduces the working capacity in Z to 230 mm
The vice unit can ensure the correct and safe clamping of large aluminium, steel and light alloy profiles. The vice structure, in particular the wide Y stroke, allows the machining of large profiles, thus meeting the typical requirements of industrial and door applications. Each vice unit can be configured with double hold-down device for the machining of two parallel profiles. In the HP version, vice positioning is managed by additional CNC axes. In dynamic double operation mode, the CNC simultaneously manages the movement of the vices and of the mobile gantry in the two separate work areas, thus allows significant increases in productivity.
The local guarding cabin has been designed to offer optimal functionality, accessibility and lighting while fulfilling safety and ergonomics requirements. The innovative and refined design makes the machine unique and unmistakeable. Large glass windows allow the operator to monitor the machining operations being executed and a large access to internal areas is provided for cleaning and maintenance operations. The internal structure optimises the conveying of swarf and scraps to the lower side, simplifying the maintenance and cleaning phases on all delicate parts.
The industrial label printer allows each cut profile to be identified with identifying features from the cutting list. In addition, barcode printing enables easy identification of the profile itself, which is particularly useful for subsequent machining steps on Machining Centres or assisted assembly lines.