
Parts securely GRIPPED

The Tekna 944 and 984 systems are recommended for heavy duty machining of large size profiles; these machining centres are suitable for a broad range of industrial sectors and for working with a wide range of material types. Special attention has been paid to the clamps responsible for gripping the profiles during machining operations. Both Tekna models feature clamps with linear sliding movement capabilities – a highly practical and convenient solution for end users.

There’s also the possibility of installing counterblocks quickly and accurately, thus making machines exceptionally versatile. The clamp units on both models are pneumatically operated. On model 984 the clamps have an extremely low profile in the X axis so that parts of just 200 mm in length can be securely gripped with 2 clamps; the clamps are mounted on linear recirculating ball guides mounted to the bed frame in a solution that guarantees optimal freedom of movement. Automatic movements on both machine models are managed by the CNC so that each clamp can be positioned individually in accordance with the profile length and the machining work to be carried out. Movement on the X axis takes place by means of devices mounted on the milling head and handholds located on both ends of the clamps. The clamps can be used with a one-way or two-way system, with the latter solution allowing simultaneous processing of two profiles with different dimensions and different machining requirements.

Rigid locking of each clamp unit on model 984 is assured by a mechanical system acting directly on the machine bed frame.